Category Archives: Instruction

Excellent Resource for Teaching Civics

It is difficult to teach civics to ELL students. Most of them have no background knowledge in regards to American government, our court systems, the roles of citizens, etc. This website provides excellent lessons that are easy to read, visual, and graphically organized – all key concepts when teaching ELL students. It also provides web quests and games to motivate students who have difficulty learning in the traditional classroom. Everything is free once you create a log-in.

Languajge Objectives – Important strategies when instructing ELLs

When teaching ELL’s is it important to incorporate language objectives when lesson planning. This allows ELL’s to not only understand the content but understand the important academic language expectations for the lesson. The following link explains the importance of language objectives and provides easy to follow steps on how to create them. Once you get started it becomes easy and routine and most importantly it will provide your ELL students an opportunity to better learn the academic language and expectations.

Additionally the Colorin Colorado is an excellent resource for all things ELL.